Our Team & Guides

Remarkable Golf Tours have been providing top quality golf tour services and packages since 2007. Our team are completely focussed on ensuring the best possible travel experience.

Tim Kershaw

Managing Director

Tim Kershaw | Remarkable Golft Tours

A strong passion for sports, travel, the outdoors and Central Otago led Tim to Millbrook Resort in 2003 to join the golf proshop team. Following several seasons in the ski industry through 2005, Tim’s attention was drawn to Jacks Point in 2006 where he helped construct the championship course.

With growth of golf tourism in the area following the completion of The Hills and Jacks Point in 2007/08, Remarkable Golf Tours was established to provide a range of golf services to travellers visiting Queenstown.

John Yates

Tour Manager

John Yates | Remarkable Golf Tours

Having graduated in business and marketing in Oxford, UK, John and moved to New Zealand 2006 to undertake work at the Queenstown Golf Club.

After managing the golf proshop for four years, John joined the Remarkable Golf team in 2011. He brings strong people skills, a great sense of humour and is extremely well connected about town. His attention to detail makes him a real asset to the team and helps us ensure clients get top service at every turn.

Rayana Sauter

Local Operations

Rayana Sauter | Remarkable Golft Tours

Rayana brings a colourful flavour to the team with her bubbly attitude, fantastic personality, dedication to ensuring the overall experience for guests and enthusiasm for life in Queenstown.

Ray often drives tour clients around as well as co-ordinating sightseeing tours, activities and recommending all the great local restaurants.

John Ennis

Tour Guide

John Ennis | Remarkable Golf Tours
Handicap 12 (and getting better with age)

Golfing, fishing, boating, hiking, travel, people. John owned one of Queenstown’s premier restaurants for 18 years and brings a wealth of local knowledge to our team.

Interested in just about everything, his warm personality and relaxed nature ensure that guests are always made to feel at home. John is a solid fifteen handicapper who is often found playing alongside our tour guests and makes a great tour host if a group is looking for a local to make up a four-ball!

Ayato Otsubo

Japanese Tour Guide

Ayato Otsubo | Remarkable Golf Tours

Ayato brings a new dimension of service with his unique skills to our team of guides. He was born in Kyoto Japan, and came to Christchurch, New Zealand in 1995, in search of an education and a broader life experience. He fell in love with the country, culture and kiwi lifestyle. Since he moved to Queenstown in 2004, he has guided in various fields, and is now a fishing guide and a proud member of NZPFGA (New Zealand Professional Fishing Guides Association). As well as his beloved fishing guiding, he also has a great knowledge of New Zealand geography, history, 4WDing, the wine industry, and various other activities. Ayato speaks both fluent Japanese and English, and has a unique and relaxed guiding style.

Japanese Bio:
大坪綾人(あやと). 京都府出身、’95年に留学と国際的な視野を広げる為ニュージーランド、クライストチャーチ市にに渡り、ニュージーランドの文化や生活 スタイルにすっかりはまってしまい本日に至る。2004年にクイーンズタウンに移住してからは様々な分野でガイドの仕事に励み現在は長年の夢であったフイッシングガイドの会社を設立、またNZプロフェッショナル フィッシングガイド協会にも所属している 。仕事柄釣りの知識は勿論、ニュージーランドの地理歴史、文化、4WDツアー、ワイン業界,その他多くの知識に精通している。母国語の他ネイティブな英語も話し, 何より経験を生かした独特のリラックスしたガイドスタイルが特徴である。

Li Ying Moroney

Chinese Tour Guide

Li Ying Morone | Remarkable Golf Tours

Born in South China and has been living in New Zealand since 2001. Li Ying has a strong passion for golf, playing off a 7 handicap and was also a competitive Tennis player.


Our Services

Corporate Golf

Corporate Golf

Allow us to host your next Corporate Golf Day! Golf is an ideal way to network and build business relationships..

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Tee Bookings

Tee Bookings

Just need a Tee booking? We can help your preferred course, cart hire, transport & everything else.

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We offer quality self drive packages or you can sit back and let us do the driving.

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Contact Us

Contact Us

We are happy to answer any questions regarding your golf trip to New Zealand.

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